The Cloud of Witnesses:

Dietrich Bonhoeffer in Harlem 1930/31

About Us

Geschichte: begreifen e.V.

"Geschichte: begreifen e.V." was founded in 2006 in Düsseldorf. We are a nonprofit society and support the production of modern media for school and adult education. In the meantime we published 4 DVDs about members of the resistance against Nazi Germany:

Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Adam von Trott, Helmuth James von Moltke and an interview with Freya von Moltke.

In 2015 we supported an internet project about the Reformation in the Rhineland. (German only)

"Cloud of Witnesses" is our current project. If you have questions, don't hesitate to contact us via e-mail:

Hellmut Schlingensiepen
and Reggie L. Williams
Impressum und Datenschutz

Kittelbachstraße 47
40489 Düsseldorf, Germany

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